Students must sign a statement letter provided by the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General.
Students are requested to inform the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Education and Culture regarding date and time of arrivals to Indonesia for pick up arrangement.
Students must arrive in Indonesia a day before the Orientation Program.
Students will responsible for the accommodation arrangement and immigration expenses if time arrival is not in time with the schedule arranged by Ministry of Education and Culture.
Students must follow the study until the end of the program.
Students must write final report to the Host University and Ministry of Education and Culture after finishing the study in Indonesia.
Academic Regulation
Awardees are not allowed to alter their selected field of study or host university.
Travelling out of Indonesia during the academic period of study is not permitted, except for emergency reasons, such as unexpected death or severe illness of parents and completion of study/graduation ceremony in the country of origin. Maximum allowed time for such travelling is 2 (two) weeks.
Travelling out of Indonesia is only permitted for 1 (one) time during the academic and religious holidays.
Awardees must get permission from the host university if point (2) or (3) occurred.
Only awardees who meet the academic requirements and sit for the final test of their study are awarded a certificate of study or a statement of study completion by the host university.
Non-Academic Regulation
Awardees must:
Comply with the prevailing laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, including and not limited to road rules and regulations.
Comply with the regulations of the host university.
Not work/earn a living while studying in Indonesia.
Not engage in political and criminal activities.
Not get involved with drug trafficking (either as a drug abuser or trafficker).
Not perform immoral acts.
Be able to adapt and interact with the surrounding community and culture.
Not perform any activities related to certain indoctrination.
Not be married or pregnant while on scholarship in Indonesia.
Issuance of Certificate
Only participants who meet the academic requirements and sit for the achievement test of their study are awarded a certificate of study or a statement of study completion by the Host University.
DRI participants are subject to imposition of sanctions under the following conditions:
Any participants who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement of 75% of the total class sessions in the previous month are not entitled to the monthly allovance for the subsequent month
Any participants who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement of 75% of the total class sessions in 1 semester are not eligible to sit for an achievement test and/or receive a certificate.
Any participants who commit a violation against the other academic regulations (exclusive of classroom attendance) for the first time will be given a spoken reprimand by the authority of the Host University. Upon the second violation, the participants will be given a Letter of Reprimand 1 (SP1). Upon the third violation, the participants will be given a Letter of Reprimand 2 (SP2). Upon issuance of Letter of Reprimand 2 (SP2), the scholarship is terminated and the participants are not eligible to sit for the achievement test of the study and deportation.
Host Universities with the approval from BPKLN may revoke the sponsorship letter and residential/stay permit for any participants upon any violation of regulations or upon the completion of term of study. The participants whose sponsorship letter and residential permit are revoked must return to their origin country at their own expense.