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A Kind Testimony from the Chief of Cipasung Village and the Local Resident
Published on Apr 10, 2019
Mr. Nanang Nuryadi as the Chief of Cipasung Village expressed his gratitude on behalf of the residents to Darmasiswa Students for their contribution in Cipasung society. Mr. Nanang also appreciate the students for reminding the residents in Cipasung Village on the importance of paying attention to the cleanliness in surround environment, as well as the importance of processing the consumed foods. Darmasiswa Students shared their knowledge to the women society in Cipasung Village, which most of them are a housewife, on the importance to provide foods that is clean and healthy for their family, especially their children.
Mrs. Ida Midaningsih, the local’s, gave a big appreciation to Darmasiswa students for their willingness to adapt during their stay in Cipasung Village which perhaps it is not a common living environment for the students. Though, the students’ contribution has made a remarkable impact to Cipasung society and its environment to promote plastic free, healthy and clean foods for family, and raise the society awareness on preserve the healthy environment, to make it sustained.
Trisakti School of Tourism hope that the information and contribution from Darmasiswa students can be a living culture for Cipasung society. The activity is one of the example on how important the student’s contribution to promote the importance of sustaining the environment where one’s living.